Wow! It's been so long since i looked at any of my 3-D pieces since I left college. This shell box was made in my last year of college as part of my exam and I had to complete it in 3 days. I don't know how I did it but I managed to finish it in time (phew!) The exam brief was to construct new storage ideas so I wanted to make a box, which wasn't your standard box shape although it does have the basic principle.

This was one of my first year projects that I had to do in college and I chose to depict all the seasons in a Russian doll concept except I made it into an egg shaped format. So all four seasons descend from winter as the outer layer, autumn the second inner layer, spring as the third inner layer and the summer as the core.
For one of my second year projects in college I had to make a shrine and I wanted to make it authentic style with a slight modern twist. So the main components were the base and the pyramid and then the spiral structure, which branches out into four arms to hold up the pyramid.

Whilst doing my foundation course I was asked to visit a park and then somehow interpret it as a map in 3-D form. So the concept I had in mind was to look at a specific tree, which had an unusual formation of branches and sketched it out. Using the sketched image I then simplified it and reflected it to get the shape that you see in this image. Inspired by Russian sculptor Naum Gabo I wanted to show a network of thin metal rods joining two of the shapes together and then titling it on a funny angle.

This was the only project that I managed to accomplish in my first year (and college). I basically designed a camera for an extreme outdoor sport so I quite like the idea of snowboarding and wanted to construct a camera shape in the shape of a snowboard. The back detail design has two cut thumb grips for you to hold the camera whilst wearing gloves and of course no camera would be a camera without a camera strap :-) and this was my final touch. I'm quite proud of this model as it took me a long time to make.
When I first left school my mother was so determined for me to study chemistry, Biology and physics but I protested and said that i wanted to do something more design based and we constantly fought over the courses I should do. So we eventually met halfway and I agreed to do chemistry, biology and design technology, which is a weird combination of courses to be studying, and I did get simular responses from friends and family when I told them what I was studying.
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