Ever since I left uni I've been trying to find new hobbies to keep myself busy and I came across this book called 'Let's make cute stuff by Aranzi Aronzo!' with the main book tile called 'Cute dolls' because they actually make a series of books with same sub headed title. I've always had an interest in sewing so I found this book quite inspiring and as a result I've been making variations of some of their dolls as you can see from the pics.
Making a multitude of dolls has given me the incentive to start making them as gifts for people, which does effectively work out cheaper in the long run because most people nowadays would spend more money on toys in shops. So in some small way this is a great saving tip for those of you who want to save up like me.
One of my latest creations that I made for a friend was called Mitzy the tiger (this was inspired for Chinese new year) and I effectively combined two doll templates and then added my own small touches. The end result turned out well and I was quite pleased that everyone liked it.
Just like cooking a meal it always feels rewarding making something from scratch and that you've put your heart and soul into.
I think for now I will continue using the book as a much-guided reference but I predict that I will soon be designing my own doll templates so that it has my own character input rather than someone else's.
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